

research group
university of fribourg
department of informatics


Verinec Logo


Verified Network Configuration - A TNS Research Project

The Verinec project aims to simplify network configuration. It is based upon an abstract definition of a network and the nodes in that network expressed in XML. Each node consists of its hardware (network interfaces) and a set of services such as DNS server, firewalls, and so on. The abstract configuration is translated automatically into configuration specific to the actual hard- and software used in the network. The simulator part of Verinec allows to check if the configuration will fullfill the desired behaviour prior to really configure the nodes.

During our PhD thesis, we wrote a prototype application with these principles. It is probably not usable as an application for any end users. Nevertheless, we want to make it available through this sourceforge project. You can check out the code using svn co verinec and compile it with ant.
We hope you can learn something from it or improve it or just take parts of the code to do something else.


  • Network configuration specified in xml
  • Automatic generation of network configuration for different systems
  • Simulation and verification of networks


  • XML and XML Schema
  • XSLT stylesheets to generate actual configuration data
  • Java for Simulator, Translator and GUI

Further Information

Project Members

© tns, 2005